Dictionary: letter S

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sail through pass [sail through, sail through something] (insep) (bill, exam, examination, legislation, proposal, test) pass something easily breeze through, sweep through, walk through

scare away [scare someone away, scare something away] (dog, bird) make someone or something leave using fear frighten away, scare off

scare off scare away

scratch out [scratch something out] (existence, living, income) try hard to make a living, usually with little money or food eke out

screw up [screw up, screw something up] spoil or ruin something mess up

seal off block [seal something off] (area, street) block something cordon off, cut off

sell out (concert, tickets) sell something until it's finished

see off 1 [see someone off] go to the airport, station, etc. to say good-bye to someone wave off

2 [see someone off, see something off] (attack, opponent, opposition, challenger) deal with some kind of danger and defeat it

see through 1 [see something through] (job, project) make sure something is completed successfully

2 [see through someone] (insep) be able to clearly see what someone's intentions are and not be deceived

send in [send something in] (application, donation, request, entry, coupon, article, report, order) send something somewhere so that it's dealt with it officially

serve out [serve something out] (sentence, term) do something until the end of a fixed period

set aside 1 [set something aside] (food, money, time) save something so it can be used later put aside

2 [set something aside] (differences, ego, pride) stop considering something put aside

set back 1 cost [set someone back] cost a certain amount of money knock back

2 hinder [set someone back] delay progress in what you're doing hold back

set in (insep) (darkness, dispair, fear, infection, panick, rain, reality, winter) start and continue for some time

set off (insep) start a journey set out

set out (insep) set off

set up [set something up] (committee, commission, investigation, public enquiry, fund, business, company, organization, system) start something

idiom set up house when you set up house, you start your own home. idiom set up shop When you set up shop, you start a business

settle down (insep) behave responsibly and live in a regular way, especially when you get married

settle in (insep) (home, job, office, school, routine) move into a new home, job, and start feeling confortable there

sex up [sex something up] make something look more interesting or exciting spice up

shake off 1 [shake something off] (cold, fever, illness, image, habbit, depression) get rid of something

2 [shake someone off] (the police, photographers, pursuers) scape from someone

shake up 1 [shake something up] mix something by shaking

2 (department, industry, cabinet, system) reorganize something completely

3 [shake someone up] be shocked

shoot across/off/out/up (insep) move fast or leave in a hurry

shoot up (insep) (prices) increase very quickly

shop around (insep) visit different shops in order to find the cheapest price

shore up [shore something up] (building, wall, argument, case, confidence, image, support) do something to support or make something stronger

show up (insep) arrive turn up

shut down [shut something down] (factory, plant, business, company, shop, production) close a place permanently close down

shut up 1 [shut up, shut someone up] stop talking clam up

2 [shut something up] close a place lock up

sift through [sift through something] (insep) (evidence, documents, papers, rubble, wreckage) examine every part of something in order to find something

single out [single something out, single someone out] choose someone from a group for special treatment pick out

sink in understand or realize the effect of something, usually something unpleasant

siphon off [siphon something off] dishonestly take money from an organization and use it for a different purpose

sit down move into a sitting position

sit up sit properly so that your back is straight

skive off (insep) spend time doing nothing, esp. avoiding work goof off

slag off [slag someone off] criticize someone, especially when they're not there

slave away work hard continously

slim down lose weight

slip out (insep) (secret, remark, word) say without intention

slip up (insep) make a mistake

slow down (insep) move or do something more slowly

smooth over [smooth something over] (differences, difficulties, problems, things, dispute) deal with problems or difficulties

snap up [snap something up] (bargain, offer) buy something quickly before other people do, because it is cheap

sneak away/in/off/out (insep) go somewhere quietly to avoid being seen

soldier on (insep) continue doing something even though it might be difficult

sort out [sort something out] find a solution for something

spark off [spark something off] (alarm, explosion, fight, war, vilence, incident, illness) when something sparks off something else, it makes it happen set off, trigger off

speak up 1 (insep) speak in a louder voice

2 defend (insep) express an opinion, especially to support someone or an idea

spell out [spell something out] explain something very clearly or in detail

spew out [spew something out] (smoke, water, lava, curses) produce a lot of something; usually something bad

splash out (insep) spend a lot of money, perhaps too much, on something

split up (insep) finish a relationship break up

spruce up [spruce up, spruce someone up] make yourself look neat and attractive smarten up

squeeze in [squeeze someone in] (insep) have or find time to see someone fit in

stand by 1 (insep) be ready for action

2 support [stand by someone] (insep) support someone when they need you

stand down resign (insep) leave your job to someone else stand aside, step aside, step down

stand in for [stand in for someone] (insep) do someone's job temporarily because they can't cover for, fill in for, sit in for

stand out (insep) be clearly noticeable stick out

stand up 1 (insep) rise to your feet so you're not sitting or lying anymore

2 [stand someone up] arrange to meet someone and you don't go (usually in a romantic relationship)

start out (insep) take the first steps or actions in a business, career or situation

stave off [stave something off] (cold, crisis, hunger, effects, war) stop something bad happening

stay away avoid [stay away from someone, stay away from a place] avoid someone or something

stay in (insep) not go out

step down (insep) leave your job to someone else stand down

step up [step something up] (efforts, production) increase the speed or amount of something

stick about/around (insep) stay in the same place

stick out (insep) be clearly noticeable stand out

stir up [stir something up] (trouble, hatred, anger, opposition, discontent, dissent, violence, the past, things, memories, passions, unrest, rebellion, revolt) cause bad feeling intentionally

stop off (insep) interrupt your journey for a while

stop by (insep) pay someone a short visit drop by

strike up (insep) [strike up something] (conversation, friendship, relationship) start to talk to be friendly to someone

stumble across [stumble across someone/something] find something by chance come across, bump into

stump up (insep) pay for something when you don't want to cough up

sum up repeat the main ideas in a few words

suss out [suss someone out] discover what someone is really like

sweep away destroy [sweep through something] (insep) (dreams) destroy something

sweep through spread fast [sweep through, Sweep through something] (fear, fire, news, panic, waves, winds) move quickly and with force

sweep up [sweep something up] clean something with a groom

switch off 1 [switch something off] (radio, TV, engine) make something start turn off

2 (insep) stop paying attention

switch on [switch something on] (radio, TV, engine) make something start turn on

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