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pack in 1 stop [pack something in] (job, course, university) leave something because you find it very difficult to continue chuck in, jack in

2 include [pack something in] include or do as many things as possible fit in

idiom pack it in (british, spoken) tell someone to stop doing something because it's annoying you

pack up (insep) break (car, computer, system, machine) stop working because of a serious problem break down, pack in

pan out (insep) happen in a particular way

pass away (insep) die

pass on [pass something up] (information, message) give something to another person

pass out (insep) lose consciousness black out come round, come to

pass up [pass something up] (deal, opportunity, chance, offer) not take advantage of something; discard

pass away die (insep) die - used to avoid the word 'die' pass on

patch up [patch something up] (differences, quarrel, things, dispute, marriage, friendship) be friends again

pay in [pay something in] (money, cheque) put money into a bank account

pay off 1 succeed (insep) (plan, planning, gamble, risk, effort, hard work, patience, persistence) be successful

2 [pay someone off] (insep) (debt, loan, mortgage, creditor) pay someone all the money you owe them so that you are not in debt anymore

3 [pay someone off] (insep) (officials) give someone money so they keep quiet about something illegal

pencil in [pencil something in, pencil someone in] make a provisional arrangement or appointment

perk up [perk someone up, perk something up] make someone feel more energetic liven up

peter out (insep) (path, track, road, voice, conversation, enthusiasm, supplies, engine, storm, attack, protest) gradully become smaller or less intense and end

phase in [phase something in] introduce something gradually or in stages

phase out [phase something out] stop something gradually or in stages

pick up 1 [pick someone up, pick something up] (friend, passenger, hitchhiker) collect someone in your car

2 (man, woman) be very friendly with somebdoy and start a sexual relationship with them

3 (bag, glass, baby, phone) lift something from somewhere lift up

4 (bill, tab, cheque) pay for something

5 (language, idea, habit, English, word, rude words, job) learn something easily, sometimes by chance and without much effort

6 (insep) (the economy, business, pace, prices, sales, speed, trade, demand, weather) get better

idiom pick up the pieces when you pick up the pieces, you try to go back to a satisfactory situation after things have gone wrong

pig out [pick out, pig out on something] (junk food, fast food) eat a lot of something

pin down [pick down, pin someone down to something] (answer, date, time, price, problem) force someone to make a decision or to say clearly what their intentions are nail down, peg down

pin on [pin something on someone] blame

pile in [pile in, pile something in] arrive or enter a place in a disorganized way or in large numbers

pile on [pile on, pile something on] (criticism, pressure, pounds) say or do too much of something

pile up (insep) (bills, debts, work) increase a lot and be difficult to manage

piss off 1 (insep) tell someone in a very offensive way to leave you alone bugger off, fuck off, sod off

2 be annoyed or bored with something

pitch in (insep) join others to help in whatever they are doing chip in

plant out [plant something out] put young plants in the ground where you want them to grow

play down [play something down] (claims, concerns, dangers, fears, report, problem, speculation, talk, worries) try to make something look less important

play up [play something up] try to make something look more important than it really is

plough ahead (insep) continue with something ignoring any problems or difficulties

plough back [plough something back] (profits) reinvest the money earned

pluck up [pluck something up] (courage) decide to be brave enough to do something

plug in [plug something in] connect a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity, or to another piece of electrical equipment

plunge in 1 [plunge in, plunge into something] (insep) (studies) start doing something with enthusiasm /i> dive in

2 [plunge someone/something into something] (chaos, debt, darkness, depression, uncertainty) suddenly experience an unpleasant situation

point out [point something out] (fact, mistake) draw attention to something

polish off [polish something off] (meal, cake) eat something completely or you finish it eat up

polish up [polish something up] (meal, cake) improve, often by practising or revising

pop round (insep) pay a short informal visit

pop in (insep) pay a short visit call in, drop in

pop up (insep) appear; often unexpectedly

prop up [prop something up] support or help in some way

pull back (insep) get out of a situation or place

pull out 1 [pull something out] (tooth, nail, plug, gun) extract something

2 ( insep) withdraw

idiom pull out all the stops do everything possible to make something succeed

pull  through [pull through, pull through something, pull someone through] (crisis, illness) manage to recover after dealing with a difficult situation

pump in [pump something in] (money, cash, funds, supplies) provide money or resources for something pour in

pump up 1 fill [pump something up] (tyre, dinghy, balloon, airbed) fill something with air blow up

2 increase

push away [push someone/something away] move someone or something to a distance from you

push back delay [push something back] (date, deadline) delay; do at a later date put off

push for ask (insep) (ban, reform, wage increase) encourage or persuade authorites to do something press for

push in (insep) rudely move in front of other people in a queue who have been waiting longer than you US cut in

push into [push someone into something] try to influence or persuade someone to do something

put about/around [put something about, put something around] (news, rumours, stories) spread bad or false news

put across [put something across] (idea, message, views, concept, point, facts, things, oneself) try to make people understand what you're trying to say

put aside 1 [put something aside] (food, money, time) save something so it can be used later set aside

2 [put something aside] (differences, ego, pride) stop considering it set aside

put away 1 [put something away] put something where it's usually kept

2 send someone to prison lock up

3 (food, beers) eat or drink a lot of something

4 (money, sum) put money in the bank; save put by, lay aside

put back [put something back] return something to where it was before

put behind forget [put something behind] try to forget it

put by save [put something by] (money) put money in the bank put away, lay aside

put down 1 lower [put something down] stop holding

2 criticize [put someone down] criticize someone or make them feel stupid

3 kill [put something down] kill an injured or sick animal

idiom put your foot down use your authority to make something happen You have to put your foot down and let her know who's boss.

put down to [put something down to something] (insep) (hard work) think that something is the probable explanation for something

put forward 1 [put something forward] (idea, plan, proposal, proposition, suggestion) offer something for consideration or discussion

2 (clock, watch) change to an earlier time

put in 1 [put something in] (hard work, effort, hours, time) work hard or spend time doing something

2 (central heating, lock, window) install something

3 (application, bid, bill, claim, offer, order, request, protest, tender) request something formally

Idiom Put in an appearence: go somewhere to be seen for a short while, usually because you are expected to go

put off 1 [put someone off] make someone change their mind or stop being interested in something

2 [put something off] (meeting, visit, decision) do something at a later date be off, call off

put on 1 [put something on] (clothes, weight) wear something get on

2 [put something on] (radio, TV) make something start working so you can use it switch on, turn on

3 [put something on] (exhibition, event, play, show) organize something

put out 1 [put something out] (fire, flames, cigarette, pipe, light, lamp, candle) stop something burning

2 (press release, story, message, statement, report, call, information, issue, description, warning, word) make something public blow out

put together 1 prepare [put something together] (ideas, plan, proposal, team) prepare something or form a group

2 assemble (kit, machine, model) join the different parts of something

put up 1 [put someone up] give someone a bed for the night

2 [put something up] (notice, sign, poster, decorations, plaque, ladder, tent, fence, building) put something on a wall or post so that people can see it or use it stick up

3 (prices, rent, taxes) increase something

4 [put up something] (insep) (fight, struggle, resistance, case, opposition, objections) show a lot of opposition to something

put up with [put up with someone, put up with something] (insep) (behaviour, noise, people, rudeness, situation) accept an unpleasant behaviour or situation

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